No one in their right mind ever wanted to work on a health care account. The work is shit, but the money is good. Witness the fact that BDHC Interpublic is combing its McCann and FCB health operation into something called IPG Health under CEO Dana Maiman. She informs us in typical BDHC speak... “Our agencies are coming together from a position of strength. Bringing together the unique and complementary capabilities of each network – a unified IPG Health sits at the nexus of creativity, digital channels, technology and data. Along with our leaders and our great people. Our culture is one that’s relentlessly focused on doing what’s right – for our people, our clients, their brands, and the public. With innovative and creative communications across a broad spectrum, IPG Health makes science approachable, understandable and actionable. Our integrated approach to a broad range of communications capabilities ensures we can help clients improve outcomes and quality of life for healthcare audiences around the world.” Oh well, in that case... Carry on!!!
We Care... We really care!!!