Dave Dye, London Art Director Extraordinaire has recently started a very, very good blog titled Rough Vs Polished. Definitely worth a read… A couple of his latest posts certainly rang a bell with me, “Hands up who’s heard of Tom McElligott?” and “Mary Wells.” Apart from showing the great work they did back in the good old days, he makes the very valid observation that most of the douchenozzles currently in the world’s second oldest profession have never even heard of these people. When I was doing all my IBM shit at Ogilvy’s in the nineties, a young snot nosed team of creative’s asked my opinion on a campaign they were working on. I said it reminded me of a Mary Wells, DDB, campaign… They said, who? I said Mary Wells of Wells Rich Greene… They said Wells Rich who? The stupid Fucktards! Get your arse over to “Rough Vs Polished” right now.
If you say "Howard who?" I'll fucking kill you!