Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last week, you will no doubt be aware of the spot BBH, London, has just produced for The Guardian… “3Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.” A beautifully executed illustration of the power and interaction possible between traditional and digital media, and how this can rapidly and decisively change the public’s perception and interpretation of the story. To me, it’s yet another Example of how BBH is one of the very few agencies that truly “get it,” these days. The Johnnie Walker “The Man Who Walked Around the World,” film is another prime example of what communication should be all about. It isn’t just that they get to the core of the proposition, they also manage to tell an interesting and informative story that is unique to the brand. And they do it with style. In their Audi commercials, the VO is Derrick Jacobi. And why the fuck not? Why can't BDA’s look at themselves in the mirror and say… “You know. We really produce shit!” With the news that McGarryBowen is opening a London office, I don’t think BBH has much to worry about!
They also do great print!