You have to understand that there are very few of us original Mad Men still left plowing the triple Martini trenches of Madison Avenue. You have to understand that most of us habituate places a little far afield these day. You also have to understand that we are “The Genuine Creatives.” Meaning that, unlike fid not, unlike the world’s most famous uber wankers, rely on Judy Wald to shuffle us into Ted Bates in the rancid
drugs, rock & roll, advertising, marketing, blogging, Hitler, Kate Moss. Fucktard, douchenozzle.
Thanks. Get the orgasmic, sex, drugs, rock & roll version of Mad Men, it’s on Amazon. Cheers/George
Thanks for reading. Get the orgasmic, sex, drugs, rock & roll version of Mad Men, it’s on Amazon. Cheers/George