Some wanker by the name of Tim left a comment on my last post, that deserves a reply… @Tim... Hey, I'm the first to admit I am a curmudgeon. But you miss the point of my post... I'm talking about the Fast Company article and how it provides some less than flattering insights to a fucking "Ad God," which you obviously consider him to be. Yes, CB+P has done some very memorable work, and certainly won a ton of awards while doing it. But it has produced lots of clunkers… “Deadenbacher” - “Man Laws” – The single Nike spot, and more. Which is par for the course, ‘cos no agency bats 1,000. But a few get close. Goodby has consistently (twenty five fucking years!!!) produced great work. I wonder what Alex will be remembered for in twenty five fucking years. Plus Jeff and Rich are nice guys and nobody who works there considers it to be a “sweatshop.” They also don’t knock the business that has provided them with a more than satisfactory life. Do me a favor and re-read the article, especially the last couple of pages. Cheers/George.
Hey Tim!!!