I was so disgusted with the first five pages of the Fast Company article on Alex “I am fucking great” Bogusky, I almost stopped reading it. I thought the writer had her head so far up the great one’s arse, she would never see daylight again. Then I got to the last couple of pages where she actually rips him a new arsehole after talking to people unfortunate enough to have worked for him. Man, does he come across as a fucking douchenozzle extraordinaire! And boy, do a lot of people hate his guts! As a clinical psychiatrist puts it… "Pathological narcissists really do disregard how their actions affect others. They don't think or care about it," she says. And what about sociopaths? I ask. "There's one hallmark," she explains. "They experience no remorse. They can do bad things and not have any guilt." Ouch, fucking ouch. Let’s see where the wanker is in a couple of years and he’s burned through his millions.
Alex, when the money runs out!