If you’ve never been to a psfk good Ideas Salon, you are obviously a douchenozzle and have no wish to stay au courant (I’m trying to upgrade the language on AdScam. But will continue to sprinkle fucking expletives, ‘cos it’s my fucking blog) with all the shit that’s currently going on. I just realized that the prize guest for the next one on February 4th, at Piers’s favorite hang out… The SoHo House, in the old transvestite, but now super trendy district of Manhattan, is Seth Godin. Yes, and even though I tend to take the piss out of Seth on both AdScam and psfk for writing the same book 20 times. I honestly think he is a very smart guy, and his basic “Permission Marketing” thinking is very sound. Haven’t read his new book "Lynchpin" yet, as he hasn’t sent me a fucking copy… But as I understand it, his thesis is that if you get rid of all the wankers in your company (think BDA's here) and just keep a hard core of "Lynchpins, you and they will all live like potentates and be richly rewarded. But, I ask, what happens to the wankers who got laid off? After all, the American economy is based on all those fucktards going down to Best Buy or Wal-Mart and buying their next 64" HDTV… But… No job = No money = No sales = No economy. Am I being simple minded here? Ha, what the fuck else is new. Anyway, get to the SoHo House on February 4th. Tell them I sent you, and you’ll get in for free. And if you believe that, I have a sister on Gansevoort Street I would like to introduce you to.
When I grow up I want to be a fucking marketing guru!