News today, via AdWeek, that Ogilvy has just fired 90 staffers… oh, yes, great timing guys, three weeks before Christmas, But hey, we understand that the Poisoned Dwarf wants them off the books and out of the fucking “edge of Siberia” 11th avenue premises before the end of the year. Maybe they can all go and camp out in the 10,000 square feet, ten year lease premises, the diminished one signed up for as the global headquarters to host the “Agency of the Future” Enfartico… So, how are things cooking these days, Ken? Ha, hardy, hardy-ha-what? Best bit, is to read the mealy mouthed, fucktard, retard email “John – I threw my wife under the fucking bus for WPP glory – Seifert” sent out to the troops… Of which the final line says… As ever, my deepest thanks for your understanding and support." Hey, douchenozzle, if I’d just been layed off after twenty odd years in the Ogilvy trenches, you wouldn’t get my understanding, and you can shove your support up your arse! In the meantime… Would someone please dig David up?
Shouldn't someone tell Mr Sniff-Fart that a gentleman does not sacrifice his good lady wife to an odious little shit for the sake of personal enhancement?