Interesting post on the tribbleagency, about the fucktards at Victors and Spoils, who claimed the other week that they were the first agency based on the lame brained idea of crowdsourcing. As I pointed out in a post last week, they are full of shit. A comment on the site by AdHack provides even more evidence. “And to make it more clear, a bunch of crowdsourcing startups also existing prior to Victors & Spoils. I know because I’m 1 of 3 people in an office doing it at AdHack ( Another is Genius Rocket.” You see what these fucking douchenozzles seem incapable of realizing, is that now, thanks to the Internet, you can no longer lie and make shit up… There’s always someone out there who will expose you. The Goebbels theory of marketing “If you lie often enough, people will believe you.” no longer applies… Unless you’re a politician. Think Enfatico here!!!
The first agency planner was a fucking German!