I assume by now you’ve all seen the Droga5 spot “Shiny Suds” for Method’s “green” bath cleaning products. Personally, I think it’s funny. But I’m a dirty old fucker. Well it would seem the ladies over at feminist site… Feministing… Really got their knickers in a twist over this, declaring it to be an incitement to sexual assault… Yeah, you have to watch out for those fucking soap bubbles! As usual, the client chickened out and pulled the ad, but with the help of princes like me, it’ll get watched a million times on YouTube.
Anyhow, in the interest of fairness… I went over to check out Feministing’s attitude to overtly sexual themes. First thing that popped up was a banner ad for War of Dragons MMORPG… And the visual? A semi naked warrior chick with massively inflated bare breasts… But wait… There’s more. On December 24th, Editor, Jessica Valenti, posted… Smitten Kitten (one of my favorite feminist sex shops in the Twin Cities) is having an awesome end of year sale. Check it out and stock up on toys to spice up your holidays. So I took Jessica’s advice and went to the site to check out the “toys.” These included, Strap-on Harnesses, anal toys, dildos, cock & Ball toys, BDSM, Gels and oils… Hopefully without bubbles intent on rape. These ladies are also promoting a film event in New York on December 1st, titled… SEX. CONSENT. POWER. PLEASURE. The Feministing writers also use lots of words that even I wouldn’t fucking post… Don’t believe me? Check out “Professor Foxy!” and her regular Saturday advice column. Apart from having a site that's littered with hundreds of fucking ads, most of them for games, toys, appliances and shit, these ladies seem to be totally fucking obsessed with sex. Talk about people in glass houses!
And the last straw… A couple of weeks ago, they had a fucking go at Kate for saying… "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels..." … All I can say is… Check out the picture of the Feministing editors on the site. Then check out the picture below. I’m sticking with Kate!
Bubbles my arse!