There’s been lots of talk over the last year or so about agencies finding new ways to do business, rather than just doing ads. Most of it is the usual fucking bullshit about partnering to build brands, but nearly all end up driving the client to spend money on some kind of advertising program. A few though are going at it from a completely different point of view… BBH in London, has a line of frozen foods selling in grocery stores and an alarm device that sounds like a woman's piercing scream! – Boy, that would scare the shit out of a mugger. The Brooklyn Brothers in New York have a line of “Oinktastic” organic chocolate and a couple of medical products… But the guys who’ve really got there act together in a big way are Anomaly, who for the last few years have made no bones about being in the Intellectual Property business, rather than simply making ads. psfk shows a perfect example of this in their phenomenal launch of the Lauren Luke Range of cosmetics. This is the 27-year-old single mother from South Shields in England. Nothing like the tarted up fucking model types usually associated with cosmetics. As the NYT says… Ms. Luke is an open-faced, plain-spoken Englishwoman with generous proportions and average features.” Yet she has become an Internet sensation with a huge YouTube following and her line of products are now in all the major stores. What Anomaly has done is created a brand from scratch, and they are co-owners of that brand. And they haven’t spent one fucking penny in advertising to achieve this… One more example of why BDA’s are fucked!
Kate and I are launching a line of fags!