OK, it’s official. econsultancy.com is reporting that Twitter is going balls out after business and they have even launched a 'special guide' for businesses called Twitter 101. Written specifically for companies, The guide provides an idiots overview of Twitter. For the benefit of fucktards who have spent tens of thousands of dollars getting an MBA from Ulan Bator University, it describes in less than 140 characters what Twitter is, how companies can get started, Twitter speak, best practices and a handful of pathetically wanky case studies. With a name like Twitter 101, as you would guess, all the advice is aimed at cretins who don’t know such terms as 'tweet', 'DM' and ‘Douchenozzle’. It also gives guidance about Twitter etiquette, such as don't spam, be friendly, and don’t say fuck every other word unless you’re tweeting about AdScam. Best bit is the comment from Dell's VP of Communities and Conversations, Bob Pearson, who is on record stating that "if Twitter becomes complicated and costly, our instinct would be to move elsewhere". Well don’t look at me. I didn’t make him say it!
Tweet that in 140 characters!