You really have to admire the fucking balls of the Management team at Interpublic. According to AdWeek, Michael “I am a walking fucking disaster” Roth got a 21 percent rise in his total compensation of nearly ELEVEN MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS, which includes stock, bonus and perks, over the previous year, as is stated in IPG's newly filed proxy for the company's annual meeting. Yes, this is the douchenozzle who has devalued IPG stock by 50% and presided over more losing quarters than Gandhi went without hot dinners. He is also the guy responsible for ramming through the Draft – FCB merger that created “The Agency of the Future,” before the next “Agency of the future” Enfatico was formed. As AdWeek points out, management at Omnicom recently gave themselves a pay cut of over 70%. IPG is shameless, but that’s what happens when the asylum is run by an ex-insurance company CEO.
And fuck you too!