Boy… I thought I was the leader of the pack when it comes to kicking the shit out of the Poisoned Dwarf, but Jim Edwards over at bNet had a fucking doozie of a post yesterday on Sir Martin’s scheme to lyposuction $100 million out of WPP over the next few years. Read the whole thing… But I particularly loved his summation at the end of the post… Where he points out that he was asleep at the wheel on Spot Runner deal, he was hoodwinked on the George Patterson acquisition, he laid off 7,000 of his staff, he doubled WPP’s debt, he embarrased the company with the Enfatico climbdown, he used his holdings of WPP stock to guarantee personal loans, and he moved WPP’s HQ to Ireland to avoid its UK tax obligations. Sorrell also predicts revenues will be down for the year. Fucking hell, Jim, way to fucking go!!!
I'm forever blowing bubbles!!!