In a comment to a previous post, “Slomo,” ask if we have all read Creativity's Integrated Production White Paper: To which I have to answer “No.” But being game for anything I went to the site, and read it… Same old, same old, with, as you would expect, major douchenozzles spouting of about their expertise in everything from fucking web films, console games, video- and game-driven microsites, merchandise
and e-commerce sites, Facebook applications, iPhone applications, comic books,music festivals, art installations, interactive billboards, stores,QR-code-based posters and print ads, augmented reality experiences, impromptu dancing in public spaces. In fact, a giant yawn… Best of all they give seven case studies as examples of what the fuck is going on… And guess what? CP+B has two of the seven… Why the fuck am I not surprised?
CP+B does digital chicken!