There’s a post on Monday’s AdAge by my favorite AdAge reporter, Rupal Parekh about the demise of Enfatico… Read it, then read the comments… There’s one from Kevin in New York… Asking where the hell is George Parker when you need him… Well, here’s my answer, as posted on AdAge…
I'm here, leaping into the breach... Greg@enfatico, is obviously a WPP/Enfatico spokes-hack, who writes comments like a retarded Power Point presentation. So, he is without question, the proud possessor of an MBA from some very expensive business school. I don't want to bash Rupal, 'cos she's one of the best reporters at AdAge... But this is beginning to smack of some kind of excuse time for Enfatico... It had fuck all to do with the economy... It was all about a very bad and very flawed business model from the get-go. I honestly don't believe it would have worked, even if the economy had been booming. Two pathetic campaigns in 16 months after spending the first half of your existence creating ads for yourself would piss off any client. Bad idea, bad people, bad execution... Apart from that???
Enfatico new employee standard issue gear!