Several people have sent me emails to let me know that my FaceBook page and information have been compromised. I think this is ‘cos Jack F***… Don’t want to use his name, ‘cos I don’t think it’s his fault… Well, I fucking hope not. Sent me a message earlier, or wrote on my fucking wall, or fucking poked me, or did some other juvenile shit… And it must have had some kind of virus or swine flu or BDA genitalia attached. Anyway, I’ve changed my account password or whatever else they tell you to do… So, it should be OK… But really, I don’t give a fuck. Facebook is only marginally less juvenile than MySpace, which is only marginally less juvenile than Twitter… Which is totally fucking retarded… So, if you need to talk to me… Send me a fucking email. Better yet… Send money.
Wanna friend me? Then I'll come over and FaceBook your ass!