Yes, I have taken the piss out of Bob in the past, but you have to take your hat off to him occasionaly, not just for being around longer than the dirt in my back yard, but for frequently hitting the nail firmly on the head. His piece in this weeks AdAge, titled "Future may be brighter, but it's Apocalypse now," should be required reading for every douchenozzle currently running any piece of a floundering media company. It's all great stuff, but the section on "Online Publishing" where he quotes the incomparable Randall Rothenberg as saying... "It is a disequilibrium between supply and demand." (And I can't even find the fucking word in the dictionary... But, I get it!) is worth learning by heart. Read the parable of the 14 year old who can create a global television network with applications that are built into her laptop, to get a grasp of how fucked traditional media, and the fucking dinosaurs who run it are. I insist that all AdScammer's read this piece. Now, damn it, now!
I also have the nuclear launch codes. So, watch your mouth, fucktard!