In my continuing campaign to make the universe realize that Twitter is strictly for brain dead fucktards, many thanks to "slomo" for pointing out this hilarious piece on valleywag... "I just came from The New York Times building, where I took in part of Times Open, a day-long event for developers interested in working with the as a news and information platform. I had to sit on the floor because every seat was taken by a 30-ish guy in jeans with a Mac laptop. Most of them seemed to be Twittering the conference as they went, and following each other's Twitter feeds. Surreal moment: At one point, the guy sitting closest to me was reading a blog post containing a photo of the guy sitting immediately behind him." Ha, that's fucking brilliant. Get a life guys... And not a Second Life... As "slomo" also points out this fucker is toast after burning through $19 million in VC money during its short, miserable existence. Avatar my arse!
"Twitter Feed!!!"