As a further demonstration that the Wizened of Oz's MySpace purchase may be turning to shit... This week, reports the TinyComb blog, Apple added Facebook to the sites it blocks to stop douchenozzles from using iDrool Macs to check who the fuck is sending them a virtual teddy bear, when they should be buying iShit and adding more mega dollars to GodJobs Swiss numbered accounts. According to an Apple Store employee: " We've become a regular Internet Cafe, so placing the most popular time-killer of them all on the banned-list will certainly help everyone get a chance to test and buy more iShit." If you think about it, this recognizes Facebook's continuing surge past MySpace, which Apple added to the banned list in 2007. The Dirty Digger is not amused. Wendy is double dosing the horse tranquilizers!
Digger swallows false teeth after hearing the latest MySpace shit!!!