Someone with the melodic name "A Fucktard," made a comment on my last "Twitter Wanker" post... He says... "It's not about creating fantastic prose, it's about utilizing emerging technologies to facilitate the creation of meaningful connections." What he doesn't seem to realize is that I am not knocking Twitter as a piece of technology... What I am saying is that, as usual, everyone is jumping on it as the "Next Big Thing." They even claim it will be a great brand building tool... Which is absolute bullshit. It may be useful in support of other communication efforts. On it's own, it's a giant wank... These same claims were made for Second Life and lots of major companies drank the Kool-Aid. How many are on there now? If you know your advertising history, you'll know that the argument was made sixty years ago that TV would kill radio. Instead radio adapted. We've lived through many of these technology paradigm shifts that were going to change everything, only a handful actually did. What was the most radical change in office technology in the last sixty years? No, not the PC... At the time, it was the Xerox 914! I may be an old fart... But I've been around the fucking track enough times to have heard all this bullshit over and over... And 90% of it is bullshit!
George Lois did the ad!