Alan Wolk, of "The Toad Stool" fame, is in Boise, Idaho for a couple of days. And as all loyal AdScammer's know, Boise, Idaho, is where I live. If you have to ask who the fuck Alan Wolk is, you are a fucktard, who probably lives in Boulder, is taking guitar lessons, paints your fingernails black and thinks "Hoopla" is the best book on advertising ever written, until "Nine Inch Diet" came along... Anyway, I digress... Alan was giving a speech on social media bullshit (just taking the piss, Alan. And a very good speech it was!) to the local Ad Club... As I said, excellent speech, bad food included... No booze, just fucking iced tea and diet soda... That's why I don't belong to the Boise Ad Club... Well, there are other reasons, but as I've already pissed off all the Mormons in town, fuck it, I don't want the Ad Club fire bombing my house as well. Anyway, I digress... Again... Must be all that fucking iced tea. Alan and I will be having cocktails in the next hour or so... We'll have a few for you and I'll pass on your regards... 'Cos we are a pair of fucking princes.
Boise... Gateway to... Mormons!!!