I've had lots of emails from people at Ogilvy who were layed off today. Most of the emails are sad... No, that's a fucking understatement. Many of them are tragic. Some I know personally, most I know through email and telephone contact. Many are devastated, even though they are trying not to show it. But they know... As we all know, the business has gone over the edge of the precipice. It will be fucking years 'till the good times come back, if ever. Yes, the scumbags at the top of the totem pole... The ones who drew up the lists for the journey to the guillotine today, will survive. They always fucking do. The vast majority of the people laid off today had been with the agency for years... i.e. they are expensive. The future belongs to those prepared to on short term contracts for peanuts... Apart for the douchenozzles running the place and lyposuctioning out the big bucks! Fucking wankers!
I'm not fucked... So, fuck you!!!