Loyal AdScammer "adhack" points out in a comment on my last post that Enfatico has corrected the spelling of "swooning" from "swooming," something I pointed out in my comment on the well over the fucking top post of the Enfatico PR spokes-hack-lady. Which is something they must have done within minutes of me posting my orginal comment on their site... BUT... They haven't posted the fucking comment... How retarded is that? The woman's post was up for over a week, and no one corrected her spelling. Now it was done within minutes of my comment... BUT, they haven't posted my comment... Do these people have any fucking idea what a blog is supposed to be about? Obviously not... That's why they are fucked. Also loved that fact that as "adhack" pointed out... If you Google Enfatico/blog, you get AdScam... Ha, fucking Ha!!!
The thinker thinks great thoughts. But not about Enfatico!!!