Rupal Parekh over at AdAge has a funny piece on the massive plug People Magazine is giving to Alex Bogusky and his "9-Inch Diet" book, which hit book stores this week. The wanker blames gigantic portions for the country's obesity epidemic, offering as the cure smaller plates. According to People, this has worked for the God like wonder boy, who has "whittled 3 inches from his waist since switching to 9-inch plates five years ago." Yeah, but his fucking head has increased by 30 inches. And, as Rupal points out the piece fails to mention that while penning a diet book, his agency churns out ads for two of the biggest, greasiest and unhealthiest fast food accounts in the world... Burger King and Domino's. What a fucking hypocrite!
"W" goes on the Bogusky diet. Takes a fucktard to know a fucktard!