It would seem that ex-Texas university student, selling shit out of the trunk of his car, wunderkind, Michael Dell, has really pissed off ex-KGB, hiding bodies of dead CIA double-agents in trunk of his car, Vladmir Putin, at this weeks Davos wank-fest! When Michael Dell made some kind of cretinous pitch to help Russia with its computers, he got the cold-as-Siberia shoulder from Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. 'We don't need help,' shot back Putin. 'We are not invalids. We don't have limited mental capacity' (video — rant starts at 1:24). 'Our programmers are some of the best in the world. 'No one would contest that here — not even our Indian colleagues." Doesn't this vodka swilling, red cabbage eating, World War II winning, I eat Rush Limbaugh for breakfast, Goddamn Commie know that the only work Enfatico has put out in the last ten years... Was a really bad INDIAN campaign? We can compete at the abysmal crap level with anyone... And we can be slower to deliver than any other fucker in a rapidly collapsing economy. So, shove that up your collective arse, we have Enfatico blogs to write!!!
Get the Poisoned Dwarf on the phone... I have an offer he can't refuse!