Hey, you have to admire the admission from future Draft/FCB, ECD, Michael Simons in a Creativity piece today that the primary reason for his move to Truly Fucked up Draft/FCB, New York, is all about the fucking money. As he says in the interview... "I've moved around so much and while that's fantastic for expanding your mind, it's not the best way to build up your bank balance or financial credit. So, I decided it was time to stop wandering and put down some roots." Oh, fucking yes... Hats off to one AdHo from another AdHo... Why else would you work in the world's most fucked up business, with the world's most fucked up people, if it wasn't for the possibility of making dumpster loads of fucking dosh? Jesus, this isn't brain surgery... It's fucking advertising.
The Joker says "Burn that Shit!"