Well, not quite everything. For that you'll have to wait for my next book to be published after The Ubiquitous Persuaders. This will be a true epic about an epic life... Adventures in Advertising. The reason for this post is to briefly answer some of the questions posed in comments on my George Lois post. "Moi" is correct, I have worked for everyone, therefore I am getting kickbacks from every agency that has ever existed, even if they no longer exist. As for scruples... What the fuck are they? "Founder" is also correct, I have been in every episode of Mad Men. "AC" No, I did not work on the original Ford campaign... But, I did work for two years on "Mr Whipple," and his little known buddy, "The Shy Salesman!" Apart from Lois, Gargano, Federico, Dick Lord and Arthur Einstein, I also had the great pleasure and honor to work with Mary Wells at Tinker. I've shot with most big name photographers and directors, including Mike Cimino of Deer Hunter, Heavens Gate fame... Who now lives in Paris and is called Barbara Cimino!!! Ha, fucking Ha! When I first came to the US as a student from London, I arrived on the Queen Mary... Yes, the one now moored in Longbeach, CA. I have made shitloads of money... I have blown shitloads of money. I've had a great time... And I haven't fucking finished yet. "Tom" I am 71 years old.
I also have a picture in the attic!