Well, There's finally a Dell TV spot out, so I'm assuming it was done by Enfatico... I should fucking hope so, it's been ten months since the Poisoned Dwarf made Michael an offer he couldn't refuse. On the other hand, if it was made by mother, they should be ashamed of themselves, 'cos it sucks... Actually, it doesn't suck, it's just so fucking expected with every cliche in the book, not to mention jamming in way too many features and selling points... It looks like a fucking Wal-Mart spot. It's got to be Enfatico, Ken and his army of hacks should be ashamed of themselves... It looks like the kind of "Hair Club" shit you see on late night TV. And what is that fucktard music all about? Guys, do me a favor, take another ten months and start over, you couldn't do any worse.
Occupational hazard at Enfatico!