Have you seen the latest Microsoft effort from CP+B? Holy shit!!! My mate Edward pointed me in the direction of a piece in AdAge by the delectable Rupal Parekh that exposes the Frat Boys latest effort in all its glory. It would seem that they have run out of dumb assed ideas with Seinfeld and Deepak Chopra, so they are inviting the general public to "Upload Yourself" in the form of really fucking bad, really cheesy home made videos. As Rupal so eloquently puts it... "The end result features folks making mundane, sarcastic or downright bizarre pronouncements, from "I'm a PC and I like the slimming effect of a purple striped shirt" to "I'm a PC and by that I don't mean politically correct." Fucking dead on Rupal... When is the world going to wake up to the fact that since the Mini campaign these guys are sliding down the shit slimed tubes of stupidity. Maybe Alex is too busy with his fucktard diet book. Douchnozzles.
Yeah... But not if you work at CP+B!