Lots of good comments on my last post about "dickheadatdell." And the one very stupid one fro "a youngster." Couple of points... Where the fuck did this 800 agencies come from? When IBM put all their work into Ogilvy. It was three times bigger than Dell and truly global... They had 84 agencies scattered around the globe. If "dickheadatdell" or the fucking youngster can provide me with a list of these 800 agencies, I will gladly eat my hat. But I won't have to 'cos it's pure bullshit. Secondly, don't give me that crap about it takes time to staff up and produce ads... They produced ads for THEMSELVES! Man, if I was Michael I would have fired them then. And I will bet you a million dollars, they did that without telling the Poisoned Dwarf, 'cos he's smart enough to know that was as stupid as the Draft/FCB "Lion Fucking" ad. Finally, as dickatdell points out, instead of hiring the "Director of Talent" to hire some talent from the getgo... They waited six fucking months. One day someone (maybe me) is going to write a book about this. Read the comments. As usual, Lower Depths, Auntie Christ and many others get it right! While DickAtDell's, theory of WPP fucked-up-ness is a gem!
Enfatico employees will get a company car!