My good friend "highjive221" has pointed me in the direction of a job listing at Monster.Com... Surprise, surprise... It's for a job at Enfatico. As he points out, it really shows the difficulty this place is having with finding talent. Perhaps the new uber-talent woman is taking the typical approach and posting online. Read the whole thing, 'cos the first bit is particularly interesting, as they offer “a competitive compensation package” (competitive to what?) plus “the opportunity to do great work for terrific clients with a talented team” (first, they only have one client, and they have yet to produce any work for them; second, they don’t have a full team to call talented at this point). Ouch, highjive... Plus, the job description says it all: they need a monkey to run the catalog conveyor belt. Yeah, well in Spain they are about to pass a law saying all monkeys are humans... But, obviously that particular law doesn't cover the Madrid office of Draft/FCB!!!
Standard issue at Draft/FCB, Madrid... Fuck, you can find a teeshirt for everything in the fucking universe!!!