Am I the only one who laughed at the news in yesterday's Variety that the median age of network TV viewers has now reached 50? Why do I think that's funny, 'cos every fucking BDA in Christendom still thinks the sweet spot for their "Frat Boy" efforts is the 18 to 24 demographic... That's right, I'm talking to the Bud Light and Burger King bozos, who continue to inflict juvenile shit on the viewing audience. Farts and burps may work when watching NASCAR, But I don't think it does much for your grandma when she's watching Jay Leno (median audience age is 54.) Still, in spite of their claims to be all over New Media, it's just one more example of the dinosaur mind set of the fucking Adverati. Maybe Draft/FCB could explain it all with their "Wheel!" Fucked if I can!
I love them thar commercials!