It isn't exactly rocket science to figure out why Google is kicking the shit out of everyone else out there. Take, for instance, the news yesterday that Microsoft's priorities for Live Search, a distant third and slipping further behind Google and Yahoo, were laid out clearly earlier this week, and they boil down to a classic e-mail subject line: Make fucking money, and make it fucking fast. That means dump all the esoteric shit and focus on the potential profits of commercial search (otherwise known as shop 'til you fucking drop!) Or, pulling in the sucker shopoholics with shit like "Live Search Cashback" Attention, Microsoft searchers, look for hot footwear bargains under the flashing blue icon. It also means the end of the line for more public-spirited projects that don't pay like Live Search Books and Live Search Academic. "Cos Bill may be a fucking philanthropist... But, he's still a businessman. Consequently, Microsoft announced that both sites would be taken down and all scanning, digitizing and indexing of books and scholarly publications would end. According to Senior VP Satya Nadella, the two programs didn't qualify as having "high commercial intent," Hey Satya... Just say it... We can't make fucking millions, so we're dumping it!
Now standard on Microsoft keyboards!