OK... Quick question... What could possibly be the worst account in the world to work on, apart from a light beer account at CP+B? Yes. you're right... A fucking dumbass, cruise line!!! So, kudos to Havas, Arnold, Douchenozzle, worldwide for picking up the world's wankiest account... Carnival... Otherwise known as "Nightmare Cruises!" Yes, all cruise line accounts are bad... But, Carnival, is the ultimate "I would rather blow my brains out with a blunt pitchfork" to avoid working on that account. So, what can we look forward to next? Kathy Lee Gifford with her zombiesque husband, Frank... Pardon me while I comb the excess skin over my scalp, dude. Doing the hokie-pockie up and down the promenade deck? What the fuck do I know... It's kind of a funny sight, though!
Wow... Deep shit kinda question... I'll get back yo you on that!