As a Brit... Although I did become an American four years ago, primarily for tax reasons (If the fucking Wizened of Oz can do it, why can't I?) it was also to vote against Bush... That was a waste of fucking time. Anyway, I've always been somewhat amused by America's obsession with the flag. Apart from the fact that fuckers like Cheney always wear a flag pin, 'cos that makes up for his five deferments and lack of desire to actually serve his country in uniform, rather than merely ripping it off... So, I was highly amused to read today that the Chinese government has just discovered a factory in Guangdong that is handling overseas orders for the flag of the Tibetan government-in-exile. In other words "Free Tibet." That's nearly as fucking dumb as the fact that all those lapel pins of the Stars and Stripes that fucked up TV announcers want the candidates to wear, are made in... You guessed it... China!
I said I wanted great big fucking flags!