Yesterday, Agency Spy posted a rumor that HP was looking to move its business out of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, where it's been for a good few years. As I commented on the site, I thought that was highly unlikely, as I iknow several senior marketing people at HP, and they are delighted with the work Goodby has done for them. Which is fucking brilliant compared to the shit most technology accounts inflict on the public. So, news today in AdAge that Hewlett-Packard's new chief marketing officer,
Michael Mendenhall, senior VP-CMO, said McGarryBowen will be handling an unspecified corporate assignment on a project basis. He also said the assignment does not have an effect on the marketer's global branding effort, which remains at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners. Apparently, it's some kind of sustainability project, you know, the fucking environment and all that "green" shit, which is right up Gordon Bowen's street as he specializes in "warm & fuzzy." Seems like the main thrust of the project will be to encourage consumers to turn off their computers at night. Yeah, that'll save the fucking Polar ice cap!
Just the facts, please!