OK... I said I wasn't going to post anymore today... But you wankers have driven me to it... So, here goes.
Studio... GodJobs didn't invent anything, he stole it all from Xerox PARC. That includes the mouse, the GUI and Scaleable type. If you don't believe me, read "Fumbling The Future." An amazing story of how Xerox fucked up big time, because the wankers at corporate headquarters wanted to suck the copy machine teat 'til it was fucking bone dry... Uber-Wankers! Oh... And don't you dare buy this gnarly old tome, unless you piggy back it with the amazing "MadScam." 'Cos if you don't, I can make you fly!!! Be careful here!!!
Insideout... While SteveO is God... Clapton is the Devil. Which, if you are a Mormon, means they were brothers!!!
Kaza... You put a Mac on Phil's desk? Hope you didn't stub out his cigarette. I actually have retained my first Mac Classic... Which I now use as a fucking doorstop...
Pop... What was that subject again??? But, anyway, I am a totally, street cred, cool dude. I also have the world's biggest influence on the mind melding of susceptible people in this biz who actually believe you can have that amount of influence on people... As you and I both know... You can spend fucking millions and never convince the great unwashed to buy sub-standard shit from you... So, the very idea that you can write a hundred words or so and convince someone they should do something so unbelievably awful as do what happened at the end of last week is giving people like you and I far too much credit for our capabilities...
Anyway, I am sick of this. It's over!!