Has anyone else noticed all the bullshit flying around recently about the potential threat from terrorists in cyberspace. So-called "Security Specialists," You know, the wankers that appear on the world's worst news network (Fox - Fair and Fucked Up) with fucking flags everywhere, have been expressing concern about the potential for mischief with Web 2.0. During the last six months we've been bombarded stupid with newspaper articles citing security experts about the alleged danger that terrorists will use virtual worlds for nefarious purposes. Groups such as the U.S. government's Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity say they fear that terrorists -- using "avatars" -- Probably with big knockers and juicy bums, will recruit new members online, transfer funds in ways that cannot be traced, and engage in training exercises that mimic real-world terrorist operations. I think they should bring in a Web 2.0 Rock-Star fucking genius... Yes... It's time for Julies rehabilitation... I can see it now... Agent 002 Roehm. Drinking Effen - Effen martinis. With a license to NoBu. C'mon Julie... Your country needs you.