I have to admit, even after having lived here, off and on, for close to forty years, I am still stunned by the non-stop examples of greed demonstrated by those in a position of power... And I am not talking about Bush, Big-Oil, Politicians in general... Or even a 24 year old wanker by the name of Mark Zuckerberg who created Facebook, even though he is currently being sued by an ex-classmate, who claims that Mark stole his original idea... But, Moving on... It would seem that Facebook is backing down from it's "Beacon" system for liposuctioning money from mountains of user data. No surprise there, because the reaction has been savage, both from users and the press. The whole thing was not only dumb, but even as described by some... "creepy." The idea that users would click on ads, then shill to their friends by pushing "trusted recommendations" at them, which makes you wonder what the so-called management of Facebook was thinking. The whole premise of "Beacon" was fucking outrageous. It was almost impossible to opt-out of this scam, even if you were smart enough to figure out what the hell was going on. The guy is already sitting on a pile of cash it will take him the rest of his life to spend... But, obviously, in these days of absolute greed, this is not enough. I have a feeling this whole house of cards is about to collapse. So much for Web 2.0. The next big thing is in danger of becoming the last big failure. Standing by for Web.50.0 'cos someone will soon be peddling it in neighborhood near you!