I just got back from Ottawa... Had a great time with great people... The Gordon Group... And will post more about that later... I just wanted to comment a little bit more on the news of earlier in the week that AdWeek was going to publish a hard copy every two weeks from now on. These douchenozzles tried to put the spin on that as the world was going digital, so were they... What a load of shit. Listen to this pathetic statement... Sabrina Crow, SVP of Nielsen Business Media, said, "Today, AdWeek is focused not on the antiquated idea of a weekly-only model, but on the minute-by-minute schedule that our audience desires. While our magazine continues to be an essential element of this iconic, multi-platform brand, we are moving with our audience by relaunching AdWeek.com to maximize the value we provide our community—delivering the most robust content in the industry 24/7 replete with exclusive Nielsen data. In addition, we will publish 36 print issues next year, beginning in the first quarter of 2008, and continue to engage the community through our events and forums." Oh please Sabrina, why can't you just say AdAge is kicking your arse and you can't make any money? We are all in the communications business, we can smell bullshit and spin a mile away. No wonder these people are fucked.
Another fine AdWeek publication!