I used to think AdWeek was a better ad trade publication than AdAge. The fact that I wrote a column for their “Technology Marketing” for eleven years may have had something to do with it. But now I think there’s no comparison. AdAge is by far the more superior book. There’s more and better content, and the quality of writing is way better. Jonah Bloom has done a great job since he took over and his piece in today’s on-line edition about the ad world in summer is a delight. Particularly the bit about “Mad Men” showing that we didn’t take ourselves as fucking seriously as most people in the ad biz do today. Love it when he pokes a sharp stick in Dave Lubars’ eye for being a pompous git. As I always used to tell people who worked for me… None of this shit will ever hang on the walls of the fucking Louvre. It’ll be used to wrap tomorrow’s fish! For Christ’s sake, go and get yourself a three martini lunch. It’ll help put things in perspective. And if it doesn’t, get the fuck over to Darfur and do something worthwhile with your life. Having said that, a final word of advice to Jonah… The only thing you need do to put the icing on the AdAge cake, would be to hire Barbara Lippert. Her column is the only part of AdWeek worth reading. And if AdWeek doesn't pull its socks up, I don't expect it to survive!
Forget it... Stick to getting shitfaced at Cannes!