I must say, my last Julie post pulled a lot of good comments from my kick-ass readers. Best of all is the one that points out Julie has now hired a "Crisis Management" specialist, Michael Sitrick of LA. So-called PR Guru to the stars. My question is where the fuck is Julie getting her money from? These guys cost a fucking arm and a leg, thousands and thousands of dollars a day. The kids college fund must be long gone by now. Is there some kind of anti Wal-Mart "Swift Boating" going on here. There is no way she can be pulling this shit on her own. Plus you gotta love how this guy is described... "A Los Angeles-based public relations firm that specializes in the contentious and controversial.” Like check out his client list... Rush Limbaugh - Drugs. Halle Berry - Hit & Run. Food Lion - Rotten Meat. Paula Poundstone - Child Endangerment. Jesus... Welcome to the club Julie! Oh, and going back to the earlier post, did anyone find it a touch ironic that Sean was going to Howard Fucking Draft for "Marital Advice?" Like "Hey Howard, how can I put nude pictures of Julie on my cell phone?" This shit just keeps getting better.
Should we tell Sean about this shit?