Danny g over at AdPulp had an interesting post on May 25th about how Roy Spence over at GSD&M didn't quite tell Julie Roehm to shove the Wal-Mart account up her arse straight away. Danny points out that... Roehm was asked by Roy Spence of GSD&M for a list of the most important and strategic thinkers in the marketing industry. Roehm provided Spence with a list, and he subsequently hired nearly all of them to act as consultants for his team for the agency review process. Wonder how much that piece of suck-up cost? Seems like they also asked for extra time in their presentation and got it. As well as trips to Austin by Wal-Mart management to provide "greater insight into the brand strategy." As Danny puts it rather pithily... Despite all of these accommodations to GSD&M, that agency did not win the Wal-Mart account. Well hell yes. Julie had made up her mind in favor of "The Gorilla" the day that case of "Effen - Effen" arrived on the doorstep. It all goes to prove what I never cease saying... BDA's will sell their children into fucking slavery if it will help them hold onto an account!
Two cases gets you a lap dance!