I know I've ranted in the past about how fucking lame the New York Times Ad Column is these days, particularly since it's been taken over by Stuart Elliott and his merry band of juvenile assistants. But as usual, he's managed to piss me off again. Every now and then he trots out these lamo twenty question features that usually have no relevance to anything anyone gives a shit about. Like today's sample, of which maybe five items have had anything to do with advertising. The rest were all about TV sitcoms and fucking baseball. Hey, Stew Baby... The header on your pathetic column says... Advertising... So lets try and talk about that. Fuck it's bad enough that AdAge and AdWeek spend most of their drastically reduced content talking about the new CEO of ButtFuck Co. Or the way Bummmer Inc is working towards cleaning up the environment. I, and all the really smart readers of AdScam, want to know about advertising... So can we try and stay on message here? Oh, and Stuart, stop printing really old news, like today's "Addenda" bit that points out the US Census Bureau Account is up for grabs. Even the fucking "Gorilla" told the world they were pitching that about three weeks ago.
Hey Stuart... If you want to know what is really going on in the ad biz... Read AdScam!