You just have to love the fact that as many agencies are laying off employees right and left, those people at the top of the totem pole, continue to rake in highly inflated "packages" that include everything from salary, stock options, private jets, car allowances, and of course... Performance bonuses in the millions, even though their agencies are going down the shitter. All I'd give the fuckers is a lifetime supply of Charmin... Squeeze this you wankers... It's all in yesterday's AdWeek. Read all the gory details, but here's a couple of tasters... Omnicom CEO, John Wren gets perks up the arse, even a $4,000 medical allowance, probably for when he chokes on all that caviar! I also love the fact that they all get thousands for "Financial Planning!" What fucking planning. All you need is a big fucking rake to pull it out of the fucking trough. Wankers!
The pigs at the trough. Notice that they're all gold plated!