I have been somewhat suspicious of this “Do your own Super Bowl Spot” thing some clients have been running. But, after visiting the Frito-Lay web site sponsoring a contest for consumers to create a spot for Doritos, I am prepared to eat my hat. There are five finalists, and all are excellent, “Duct Tape” is great and “Mousetrap” is brilliant. You can see them all here. I don’t know the background of the people who produced them, but I’m pretty sure they’re not already commercial production companies. I wish them all good luck, the winner will obviously do well, but I think in the spirit of “American Idol” you don’t have to win to be a success. But I will guarantee you one thing, all five are going to be better than 80% of the multi million dollar piles of steaming shit we’re going to be subjected to on Sunday. Looks like yet another nail in the lid of Madison Avenue.
I love this fucking spot!