I know this has fuck all to do with advertising. But, I kinda think it's important. Dontcha just love the fact that the spokesman at the headquarters of the Second Fleet, based in Norfolk, Virginia, the Eisenhower Strike Group, which is bristling with Tomahawk cruise missiles, and has just received orders to depart the United States in a little over a week with the covert intention of bombing the shit out of Iran is called Lieut. Mike Kafka. That’s right… KAFKA!!! Or as Wikipedia defines the adjective "kafkaesque" It has come into common use to denote mundane yet absurd and surreal circumstances. In other words stand by for a Rovianesque “October Surprise” that will guarantee the end of civilization as we know it. Oh, and just so you know how much time you have to get your affairs in order… The Pentagon confirms that this powerful armada is scheduled to arrive off the coast of Iran on or around October 21.
And I haven't even started on my three Shakespeares!