It would seem that the Adverati of London have embarked on a crusade to corrupt the tots, pre-teens, and teens of Her Majesties Kingdom. First we have a series of TV spots for Marmite (Something, only us Brits could learn to love, as it happens to taste like congealed battery acid) that are apparently based on parodies of the classic horror movie "The Blob," with giant brown buggas rolling down the sidewalks of London, swallowing up anyone lucky enough to be in their schlurping way. The tag line is... "You either love it, or hate it." And, that's what I love about British advertising... Here in the US, the fucking client would rather be shot dead while getting a blow job in Grammercy Park than own up to the fact that someone out there might actually hate his product!!! Anyway, moving on. It would also seem that an English TV spot for Wanadoo Broadband showing teenagers getting up to all kinds of semi-pornographic mischief in an auto scrapyard has been pulled from the networks, not because they are up to their mischief in a very dangerous, life threatening environment... But, because a boy and a girl are caught "French Kissing" behind a broken windshield. Holy shit... Never mind about the severed jugular... What about the lost innocence?