Why is it that all of a sudden we are being harangued by articles in both the regular news press, as well as the ad trades, about how we are looking at "The end of the 30 second TV commercial." Listen guys, I've been hearing that same old bullshit for years. I've also been hearing that we are paying more media dollars to reach fewer people... True! That TV commercials are having less and less impact on their intended audience... True! That the prime 18 - 25 year old, acne encrusted audience with all the money (no doubt earned from their high-paying, burger flipping jobs) would rather play video games than watch idiots eat live snakes in yet another crummy reality TV show... True! And that BDA's are finally waking up to the fact that there's more media options out there than Network and cable TV... Not true! They've been talking this shit for years and it's never really happened. You know why? Cos the minute the BDA Creative Director gets his/her hands on the "New Client" brief, It's time to start thinking about next years Cannes Show... It ain't about what kind of pop-up banner is going to get those clicks happening, or what effect a badly stenciled logo's on the grimy sidewalks of New York would have on the clients market share.... Fuck that... It's about Gold Dude... Gold Lions, Gold Pencils, Gold CLIO's... Jesus, I'll even take the Gold Turd Award... But you only get all this Gold for TV spots, Dude. Plus, you only get to work with, and brag about working with, Ridley, or Kinka, or whoever Director of the Month is when you do TV Dude... Everything else is merely silver... Or, shudder... Bronze!!!
Couldn't have put it any better myself!